Thursday 12 May 2016


"The daily newspapers have a lot to say about me, well here is some facts that they may not know about us hippo's"

Hippo's spend most of the day either submerged or dozing on sand bars or rocks.  Hippo's are capable of moving extremely fast through the water either swimming or walking, submerged under the water along clearly defined paths for about six minutes.

Hippo's are mainly freshwater animals, they can however sustain themselves in saline conditions, provided they have free and regular access to fresh water.  This explains how Huberta was able to walk along the coastline.

When food is scarce and not available near the resting pool, a hippo may move as far as 30 km per night feeding.

Hippo's normally emerge from the water at night grazing along rivers, estuaries and wetlands.  If no food is available near the water they will move inland to feed.

In undisturbed areas hippo's wander about to graze during the cooler hours of the day. They prefer open areas of short grass crop, an adult can eat up 30kg of grass in a night. 

This explains what happened on the 3rd June, 1929 in Sydenham, close to Durban.
A mule was asleep in a stable nearby.  When he sensed
something strange outside, he made such a noise that some of the farm workers woke up and rushed to see what was causing the commotion.  Huberta was calmly enjoying her supper of fresh cabbages and as usual, she did not like to be disturbed while she was eating her meal.  Angrily she rushed towards the three men who, at the sight of the huge beast approaching them, ran away in terror....,.straight into a barbed wire fence!


Hippo's can submerge for 6 minutes

                                           The cabbage patch supper                                                                   



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