Saturday 14 May 2016


There are many theories of why Huberta left her home St Lucia Estuary to take on a long journey that was always heading south.  Actually it is interesting to note that the route that Huberta followed coincided with that taken by Dick King during his memorable ride on horseback from Durban to Grahamstown, eighty-seven years before Huberta travelled south!

An attendant at the Kaffarian Museum (now the Amathole museum)in King William's Town where Huberta has a permanent home, has come up with a reason for the hippo's itchy feet and journey she undertook.  The attendant a pensioner had lived in the King William's Town district for most of his life and was present when the carcass of Huberta was brought from the river.  His theory was that Huberta left home because she was neither male or female.  He claimed that it could not be determined whether the hippo was bull or cow, as there were no sex organs visible.  He further claimed that, that was the reason the hippo left home, it was ostracised by the others.  The loneliness became too much and Huberta, decided to leave.  Fact is we really don't know, that is her secret,  She gave us the most amazing animal stories of humour, adventure, admiration and hope.

2016 and 75 years later Huberta lives on in the Amathole museum King William's Town 

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